7 Traits of Free-Spirited Women

7 Traits of Free-Spirited Women

By Martha Moore

Published 4/14/2017 in mindbodygreen.com

“You know, being a free spirit is not all it’s cracked up to be,” said Eileen, a 75-year-old woman who had just finished listening to my presentation on what it means to be a free spirit as the founder of The Free Spirit Project. She proceeded to tell me a story about a group of self-proclaimed free spirits in the ’60s who went up to the mountains outside of Calgary, Canada, and gave up everything they knew to follow their bliss. It all sounded wonderful except that these people left behind families, jobs, and a myriad of other responsibilities and never returned to them.

I could see that I would have my work cut out for me if I were to convince Eileen that being a “free spirit” is actually a good thing, and that it is, in fact, our very nature. In the simplest of terms, a free spirit is anyone who strives to live their life to the fullest regardless of what that life looks like. It doesn’t mean you shirk your obligations, leave your family behind, and go to an ashram for six months. My version of a free spirit allows you to be YOU—with all your perceived faults and limitations—doing your best to live your life to its fullest potential.

These are the traits that exemplify a free-spirited woman today:   read more