Now check this out…

Here’s a life-changing and fun interview series for you to take a look at:

And Now It’s Her Turn – Cathy Macy went from working three jobs, struggling to make house payments, and sleepless nights to a life of freedom, travel and finally doing things she’s dreamed of doing all of her life.

Interview #1: This interview is the first in the series, finding Cathy at the beginning of her new adventure, having just sold her house, experiencing the challenges, fears, doubts, and excitement that come with this new stage in her life.

Interview #2: Checking with Cathy after she moved to the mountains of Colorado, traveled around the United States visiting and reconnecting with friends and family, and took the trip of her life to Europe!

Interview #3: It’s been a year since Cathy started her new adventure and as she says “I feel free, I don’t have anxiety, I’m happy with the choices I’ve made, I’m really glad that I’m not a homeowner anymore and I’m taking it one day at a time.” Listen in…