15+ Insanely Effective Tips & Strategies to Becoming a Happier Person

15+ Insanely Effective Tips & Strategies to Becoming a Happier Person

By Martha Moore

Published 7/6/2017 in learnevolveandthrive.com

# Break large goals into small steps

“The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” ~ Chinese Proverb

Goal setting and visioning are some of the most exciting parts of starting something big. I love this stage of a project. I’ve become quite skilled at it – whether it was creating the vision for a new business or for writing a book. In fact, I’ve had so much practice setting goals and visioning, I should write a book on that.

Only, for years, I couldn’t seem to get beyond that stage of a project. And I didn’t know why until I started to see a pattern that every time I was ready to start actually taking the steps that would make my dreams and goals a reality, I became paralyzed with overwhelm. Where to begin? How does one take a vision such as start a new business, change careers, or write a book, and actually make it happen? read more