
Founder, Free Spirit Mentor, and Life-Coach

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Free Spirit Associate Mentor, Graphic Designer

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App Designer and Multi-Media Specialist

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Personal Growth Liasion

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        Contributing         Editor

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Welcome to The Free Spirit Project’s webpage! We are very excited to be sharing this with you. Our only hope is that that you will find joy and laughter and along with that, some enlightenment, in these pages. The Free Spirit Project is designed to help free the spirit within each of us. The project’s mission is to create a space that allows everyone to express their own truth and encourages the growth and expansion of each individual as a part of the whole. The Free Spirit Project encourages each of us to move beyond perceived barriers and limitations to become the unique, empowered, remarkable beings that we are, understanding that we are not defined by our environment or circumstances. And we want to have a lot of fun along the way!


The project is a culmination of twenty plus years of experiences, research, teachings and writings, beginning in 1991 when Martha Moore, one of the founding partners of the project, began to challenge the social mores that she was brought up to believe. After getting an MBA and following in her father’s footsteps by becoming a CPA and working for three years, she decided it was time to let go of what she had grown up thinking she would do – get married, have the 2.4 kids and a minivan and move to the suburbs of Chicago.

She took off and began working her way around Australia, challenging herself every day for over two years, facing her fears one by one. And in that process, she experienced what it felt like to be in the flow. She began to play with this idea of what it feels like to be a free spirit and what it means.


Elizabeth Tucciarone first started working on the project in the summer of 2017. She began assisting with website development and graphic design for The Free Spirit Project company site. Soon after her introduction to the project, she started participating in the Unleash Your Free Spirit – Change Your Life Online Program, and is currently transitioning into becoming a Free Spirit Mentor.

Her previous education and work experience had been primarily focused in graphic design, content writing, and marketing. This career path quenched her creative thirst but still left her feeling somewhat incomplete. Since childhood, Elizabeth, has always held an interest in personal development, philosophy, and helping others. This lifelong passion ultimately led her to completing her education to become a Certified Coach and Mentor, and the evolution of her own Relationship Coaching and Matchmaking business, The 11th Hour Matchmaker.

When Elizabeth isn’t helping others grow into their full potential, you can find her hiking near the beach, writing, making jewelry, and discovering new ways everyday to embody the life of a free spirit!


Michelle Roberts started working on the project in May 2015. She started out helping with graphic design for different newsletters and Webinars. She then started managing the Social Media sites, creating the posts and uploading them. Michelle also has helped design and create The Ultimate Bucket List App. She is currently App Design Coordinator and Multi-Media Specialist for The Free Spirit Project. Michelle is 20 years old and is originally from Michigan. She now lives in Colorado and attends Colorado Christian University studying Business Administration and Youth Ministry. Michelle has always been involved in music. She directed a Children’s Choir in high school and has played the piano and violin for many years. She is currently involved in the Colorado Christian University Women’s Choir and serves as their assistant director. She also loves animals and her family. Michelle has already started completing her Bucket List and hopes to continue checking things off every year. She is very passionate about life and is excited to be working for The Free Spirit Project!


Cathy Macy began working on the project in the summer of 2015. She started out as a client receiving mentoring and energy healing work from Martha since 2011 and has been dedicated to her own personal growth and dreams. She is 55 years old, a mother who singlehandedly raised two beautiful daughters, who are now graduated from college and out on their own.

Her mother passed away when she was two. Her father had Muscular Dystrophy and was not able to raise her so she went to live with an aunt, uncle and cousins in a very dysfunctional, stressful environment. She went out on her own at the age of 17. She became a mother at the age of 29, married to the children’s father who left when they were the ages of 2 and 4.

Always striving to give her children a normal environment, she’s put them first for the past 26 years. And now it’s time for Cathy to make choices and changes in her life that focus on her own dreams. She is the Personal Growth Liaison for The Free Spirit Project and often the first person that you will connect with at the project. She loves sharing stories, relating to people and is so passionate about her beliefs. She is so excited to meet you!


Morgan began working on the project as early as October 2014. She was there at the beginning and helped to bring it into fruition. Though her contributions ended in April 2015 and she may not find herself able to return to the project, the work and efforts she provided in the early stages of the project were immeasurable.