Do You Wish You Were a Free Spirit?

Do You Wish You Were a Free Spirit?

You can be one! In fact, you already are a free spirit!

Being a free spirit doesn’t mean:

  • that you have figured everything out,
  • that your life is going smoothly all the time,
  • that you don’t have fears and problems to deal with.

Being a free spirit is recognizing those “less than ideal” parts of you and embracing them fully. Being a free spirit means you won’t let the fears and problems and your perceived short-comings stop you from reaching for your dreams! You are a free spirit, you just haven’t been told that yet!

There is nothing you can’t do if you put your mind to it. Live your life to its fullest. You only have this body once so make the most of it! There is no right answer to the question “What is a free spirit?” There is no single definition that encompasses the unlimitedness of being a free spirit. The only thing that really matters is whether you feel you are one or not.